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    Benefits Of Melon (Health)

    Melons are low in calories, with just 64 calories in a 1-cup serving of honeydew balls and fewer calories in cantaloupe, casaba or watermelon balls. At the same time, melons are high in essential vitamins and minerals. They contain almost no fat or saturated fat, making them an excellent choice for snacks or a side dish.

    Melon can smooth your skin and good for the Kidney. Levels of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) per 100 grams of melon around 34 mg. Vitamin C can be relied upon as an effective antioxidant to counteract free radicals. Oxidants (free radicals) are dangerous substances that can attack the body's cells.

    The function of vitamin C is also associated with collagen. Collagen is a protein compound that affects the integrity of cell structure in all connective tissue, like skin. The presence of collagen can accelerate wound healing and maintain skin firmness.

    Red and orange Melon containing carotenoids compounds that can protect cells from free radicals and can also be converted into vitamin A. Vitamin A is essential for maintaining tissue epidermis of the skin to stay healthy.

    If there is enough vitamin D, skin so soft and moist. Often eat melon, skin will not be rough and dry.
    High levels of Carotenoids can boost immunity, thus reducing the risk of cancer. Carotenoids with vitamin E and C in melon act as antioxidants to prevent lung cancer.


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